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Saturday, November 30, 2024

Medical update

As they say at the start of each episode of the TV mystery series I am addicted too, "Previously..."

Originally, the rituximad infusion was in a "% solution" that required a large jar dispencing 900 ml.  Initially, 12 years ago it took 2 days to administer.  As they recognozed that I was tolerating it well, they increased the rate and soon I was spending only one day in the clinic. 

This time around it was planned that I would again spend 2 days for the complete 900ml infusion.  They started at 50ml per hour "to be cautious."  I was convinced taht I could tolerate a faster rate and with my oncologist's blessing the rate would be increased according to how well I was reacting to it.  Every half-hour the attendant would check in with me and I insisted they amp it up.  By 3pm the last drop made its way down the tube and into my arm. I headed home having spent less than 6 hours I drove home.  Thatwas October 2.  October 30 I got hooked up for my second dose.  I insisted they start at 100ml and they complied.  It took 4 nhours after several increases. 26 November was dose number 3 and got a lovely surprise.  As the attendant was attaching a small bladder to the "tree" and was about to hook me up, I said with mild alarm "I don't think that is my infusion." Two other attendants conferenced and decided it was, indeed, mine.  Bless their hearts, they decided to alter the solution from that huge jar into this little clear pouch.  The same amount of the drug was theie but in considerably less solution.  I was overjoyed! I asked how long the this infusion would take. "We should be finished in about 90 minutes," Happy happy, joy joy... [Ren & Stimpy]...  I was on the road by noon.  

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