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Saturday, November 30, 2024


 Day 3 was all eating, drinking and pampering. I got a haircut and the best pedicure I have ever had.  We also visited Colectika Gallery which has become a pilgrimage on every trip.  It's a well-curated gallery of indigenous art and we never get out of there without buying something.  We also visited their second store in the ZR which was much smaller but equally well put together.  

On our walk we passed a "shots bar" where one could walk up to a tiny bar on the sidewalk have a shot of your favorite spirits and be on your way.  It was no bigger than your average walk-in closet.

Don Chava was our next stop for nachos and lemonade... the heat was oppressively exhausting. After a couple more hours we dined at Joe Jack's on excellent fish & chips.We closed the evening at Garbo Piano Bar deep in the ZR to enjoy the song-stylings of "Sargento.".

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