The quality of The Lido [buffet] has dropped significantly. Perhaps they have a different protocol for different cruise areas. The staff seems to have been halved. One now approaches stations along the buffet line rather a single file line the length as in the past. It helps in some cases because you can jump the line, as it were, to the section you are seeking but you often find a glut of diners there and little or no understanding of queuing. I have been dressed down several times for merely trying to see what was offered. There are folks out there who fear the food will run out before they get to select. They have augmented the fresh fruit, salads, and desserts sections but cut drastically on the entrée areas. They have also allowed the prepared food so sit until the piece is taken. You can order a freshly cut slice of prime rib but that last piece on the steam tray will sit there turning gray until someone too shy to ask, settles for it. I find making reservations at the Rotterdam Room much more to my liking.
The Rotterdam Room [the “formal” dining room] is still up there in quality. Again the staff as been cut and the service can be a little unpredictable but on the whole it is top drawer. It seems that they are actually pushing the alcohol a lot more now even to the extent of promotions. Buy an after-dinner liqueur and you get to keep the decorative glass. We have 8 so far, going for a dozen. We need Green and Amber and one more blue.
Last night we ate at The Pinnacle Grill [ups the ante over the Rotterdam Room for a $25. per person charge] for their occasional Le Cirque experience. They have special dinnerware and menu offering similar to what you would encounter at NYCs famed restaurant. It was very good and worth the “this-night-only” upcharge of $39. per. The amuse bouche was whipped fois gras atop rhubarb chutney. For starters I had “the trio,” pate de fois gras, caviar, and shaved salmon with a half dozen condiment. The Family Walters all opted for the poached lobster salad. Our soups were chilled melon with shrimps and Butternut squash with huckleberries and sage Chantilly. Three of us had the chateaubriand and Craig had 5-cheese ravioli. Dessert followed a dish of candies the most remarkable being pistachio nougat. I ended the meal with a Napoleon with assorted berries, Dotty had her crème Brule and the Walters boys had Chocolate soufflés. Our wine was an Ehret 2006 Cab. We like the Pinnacle and have three m
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